Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Everyone likes Brownies

Our first instincts are usually that all fairies are females because we picture them as exquisitely beautiful creatures.  Brownies are the unfamiliar, domestic fairies that we all love.  They are the male race of earth-elemental fairies.  They range from one to three feet tall and appear somewhat grungy wearing frayed, brown clothing made from skins of mice or rats with a full head of bushy hair, as attractive as this might sound, its not the only reason we love them.  Brownies are nocturnal fairies who get all their work done under the dark sky with only like light of the moon.  Their main purpose is to complete the work that was left unfinished by peasants and/or servants at the end of the day, and were "sometimes accompanied by their good friends, Pixies, who would help complete their tasks for the night"(Allan 90-95).  They would take charge in helping out in the farm they chose to reside in, but "can wrech havoc if not properly rewarded with pastries and milk"(Sweet).  Brownies were able to select where they wanted to inhabit and it was usually determined due to an attraction to one particular family member.  Not only did Brownies help out and do work, but they also see to the protection of his family members.

Allan, Tony. "Fairies." The Mythic Beastiary. London: Duncan Baird Publishers, 2008. Print.

Sweet, J.H. "Brownies." The fairy Chronicbles.  Sourcebooks Inc., n.d. Web. 24 Nov 2010. <http://www.fairychronicles.com/Fairy-Handbook/Brownies.html>

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